About Us

GCSI is a premier supplier of wiring harnesses to the automotive industry, provid­ ing a broad range of wire sets, wiring and cabling attachments, connections and components to leading OEM's.

The company operates three manufacturing facilities at Pondicherry. This gives gcsi proximity to major customers and allows for providing effective, integrated solutions to the customers needs - when and where they are needed.

GCSI has undertaking the acquisition of Cable Manufacturing Plant in April 2007. The acquisition enabled the Group to significantly expand its operations to newer segments in wiring hamess business. The takeover also boosted the group through Customer Service.

GCSI however continues to provide technological support to the Indian-set- up and has also agreed in principle to source products for its global clientele by out­ sourcing from India.

All the manufacturing plants are equipped with modern facilities and have strong commitment towards the quality and systems. The plants have manufacturing facilities for Wiring Harness and cables besides usage for backward integration. The units also meet the in-house requirements of GCSI Group of companies which are manufacturing automotive Cables ,Wiring Hamess Assembly Etc ...

All products are subjected to a series of superior intemational quality control measures. The systems and processes satisfy the most quality conscious cus­ tomers. The division possesses In-house equipment and also resorts to reputed and accredited testing laboratories for all kinds of testing.